Load Balancer

Have high availability, performance and scalability for your application

DT Cloud Platform Load Balancer

Ensures fault tolerance and improves performance and security of web applications by distributing incoming network traffic across infrastructure  from a balancing pool. But it is not only just distributes traffic but also improves the speed and reliability.

Highlighted Features

HTTP Load Balancing
HTTP Load Balancing

HTTP reverse proxy for dynamic traffic across web or application server groups using multiple algorithms and advanced features with any traffic.

TCP/UDP Load Balancing
TCP/UDP Load Balancing

Use TCP for balancing requests to databases, mail servers and other distributable applications with network support. Also TCP can be used instead of HTTP if faster balancing is needed.

Scalability For Any Traffic
Scalability For Any Traffic

Suitable for projects of any scale, being able to handle everyday traffic and seasonal spikes alike. Because of auto scaling Load Balancer is cost-effective and efficient for high resource usage.

High Availability
High Availability

Fast and reliable solution that can handle huge traffic and give access to all data. Load Balancer ensures high system availability through the distribution of workload across multiple components. Using multiple components instead of a single component, may increase reliability through redundancy.

SSL and TLS SNI Support
SSL and TLS SNI Support

Quick and reliable way to secure your website.This support gives a significant level of security for your domain names. Domain level verification, including your site check and security seal issuing, is performed in a matter of minutes.